For rising 6th & 7th graders

Kickin' Summer Service Adventure

Our service adventure camp for those kids going into 6th and 7th grades takes place June 26 - 29, 2023. The camp is scheduled for 9 am to 1 pm, with Days 1 and 2 (Mon & Tues) taking place at Westlake UMC, and Days 3 and 4 (Wed & Thurs) happening at Bay UMC.

The cost is $20 per camper and includes a T-shirt. Your check reserves your spot! To register, click on the Kickin' Summer Service Adventure registration link. Spots are limited! Register soon.

Kids should plan to pack a lunch for themselves each day. Detailed information on each day's adventure will be provided prior to camp. This is a joint venture between the youth groups of Westlake and Bay United Methodist Churches and should be a lot of fun!

Contact Rev. Lisa Kropinak or Westlake UMC's Youth Director, Ms. Ellie, at

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