Below are the various forms we use at church. If you are unable to find the one you are looking for, please contact Cindy Gulley at
contact us
Have a question? An idea? An inspiration? Feel free to contact us using the form below.
prayer request
Please share all your prayer requests with us. Prayer is more powerful when supported by others. All prayers requests can remain confidential if you choose. They can also be published in our weekly bulletin so you are supported by our community.
Prayer Request
YOuth permission form
Sunday school registration
Please fill out this form if your child will regularly attend our Sunday School programming.
background check
All children and youth volunteers require a background check. Please fill out form and return to either the Children's or Youth Ministry Director.
Confirmation & Senior High registration form
Please fill out this form if your child will regularly attend our Confirmation and Youth programming.
Dorothy smith Scholarship award
Dorothy was born in Tokyo, Japan. Her father was a career Officer in the Army, which meant her family moved around quite a bit. In high school she moved to Syracuse, NY where she met her future husband, Dr. Duret Smith. In 1982, the Smith family moved to Bay Village where they raised their two daughters, Darrah and Erica. Dorothy was a devoted wife and mother. She dedicated her life to raising her girls and was selfless in volunteering her time. It is in this spirit of giving that the Dorothy Smith Memorial Scholarships were established. It is the family's hope that the recipients of these scholarships will keep Dorothy's spirit in their hearts as they take on the next chapter in their life through continuing their education at college.