Bay Village, Ohio


"Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." 

                                                             - Matthew 25:35


Worship Service every Sunday at 10 am.

Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm

Physical Office Closed on Friday

(We can be reached by phone or email on Friday)

Office Phone: 440-871-2082


(continue scrolling for additional information about our church)


ASP Pumpkin Sale Begins on oct. 19

Beginning Saturday, October 19 the Appalachia Service Project youth will be selling pumpkins for their annual fundraiser. Sale ends on Thursday, October 31 or when the pumpkins sell out.

Please plan to stop by to purchase your holiday pumpkins in support of our youth. All monies earned help a young person participate in next summer's mission trip to Appalachia. The 2025 ASP mission trip is scheduled June 8- June 14.

Save The Date- sunday, October 27

The Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat will be held on October 27 at 12:00 pm. 

TrueNorth Fall Concert

The TrueNorth Chorale and Chamber Orchestra will be performing a fall concert titled "Down A Country Lane" on Saturday, October 26 @ 7:30 pm at Bay UMC. Come join TrueNorth as they celebrate the changing colors of the seasons through glorious music.

This is a non-ticketed performance. A love offering will be taken to help defray concert expenses.

Gray Eagles

Gray Eagles meet in the fellowship Hall @ 8:45 am with a presentation starting at 9:15am.

November 20- Featuring Gene Braden

UWF dates to remember 

Tuesday, October 22 @ 7pm-Lydia Circle (Parlor)

Sunday, November 3 @ 11:15 am -UWF Board Meeting (Conference Room)

Thursday, November 14 @ 5:30 pm- Circle of Hope (Offsite)

Wednesday, November 20 @ 11 am- Sarah Ruth (Parlor)

Tuesday, November 26 @ 7 pm- Lydia Circle (Parlor)

Saturday, December 8 @ 4 pm- Christmas Tea (Sanctuary & Parlor)

Thursday, December 12 @ 5:30 pm-Circle of hope (Offsite) 

Friday, December 15 @ 10:00 am- Christmas Cookie sale

Bay UMC Charge Conference

The annual Charge Conference will be held at 10:00 am on Sat., November 2, at Brecksville UMC (65 Public Square, Brecksville, OH).  If you are part of our congregation, you are welcome to attend with Rev. Lisa and other leaders from Bay UMC. Carpooling is available. Please call the church office for more information.

Consecration sunday - November 17

November 17  following worship (RSVP by November 12)

Please join us for a shared meal in the fellowship hall

If your last name begins with:

a-H please bring a side dish

i-n please bring a salad

o-z please bring a dessert

Meat and drinks provided. 

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service-November 24 @ bethesda on the bay

An Ecumenical Thanksgiving Worship Service will be held on Sunday, November 24 at 6:30pm at Bethesda on the Bay Lutheran Church (28607 Wolf Road, Bay Village).

Christmas Cantata

December 15th during worship starting at 10am


At Bay United Methodist Church, we believe relationships matter. Strong, stable, wholesome relationships are the basis for a better life, a better community, and a better world. Most importantly, we want to help you find the one relationship that matters most of all: a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. Come seek Him with us. You will be the most welcome among us.


09:00 am  Confirmation Class

09:45 am   Nursery Care available


10:15 am  Sunday School

11:30 am   Adult Studies

The next Outdoor Worship will take place at Huntington Park on Sunday, October 13 at 8am. 

October 2024 Calendar

November 2024 Calendar

To schedule meeting rooms on the church Master Calendar, please contact the church office at

Church Staff



ongoing programs

Amplify Media

Online/smart TV resource center with programs for adult studies, children studies, women's groups, etc. To access Amplify, click on this link. 

Adult Discipleship

Adult Bible Study

The Adult Bible Study class will meet at 7:30 pm on Monday, October 21st in the 5th-6th grade room. We will discuss the Introduction and Chapter 1 of our new study,” Matthew: The Gospel of Promised Blessings”, by Matthew Skinner. The title is “Promised Blessings”. Our texts are given on page 1 of the book.

Second Blessing

 The Second Blessing class will meet at 11:20 in the parlor on October 20th. We will discuss Chapter 6 and the “Afterword “of “A New Reformation” by Rob Fuquay. The title is “Priesthood of All Believers”.

Thursday Morning Adult Bible Study

Join Reverend Lisa in RM 41-UC to study "Wrestling With Doubt Finding Faith" by Adam Hamilton on Thursday mornings at 10am. 

Upper Room Devotionals

The Upper Room devotional booklets for September/October are available on the tables in the narthex and lower lobby.  Thursday Morning Adult Bible Study

Capital Campaign | Five+Five

Please consider pledging for our Five+Five Capital Campaign. Launched in Sept 2022, this is a two-year campaign to update five areas of our church building and contribute to five missions outside of our church. For more information, visit the Five+Five Capital Campaign webpage.



Confirmation Class meets on Sunday mornings at 9am. 

Sunday School
  • Children are always welcome in worship! Children are welcome to come forward for the children's sermon. After the children's sermon, children from four-years old - fourth grade will be accompanied to their classroom on the third floor of the Sunday School wing, where they can be picked up after worship. 
  • Quest Kids' Club will resume in October.